dijous, d’abril 02, 2009

[catalonia-europa] Voteu contra l'In-Mundo -- Exposicions del centenari de l´estelada durant abril -- Llengües en perill i extintes

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Les exposicions del centenari de l´estelada durant el mes d´abril: Seran a Sant Pere de Ribes(Garraf), Sant Boi (Baix Llobregat) i Santa Perpetua (Vallès Occidental)
Us passem informació de les localitats on es podrà veure les exposicions del centenari de l´estelada aquest proper mes d'abril.
Per a qualsevol informació extra per portar-la al vostre casal, associació, Ateneu, Ajuntament... no dubteu en contactar amb nosaltres, al nostre mail contacte@estelada.cat o web www.estelada.cat
> 17/04/09 al 26/04/09 – Al nou local de la secció local d'ERC de Sant Pere de Ribes
Jaume Balmes, 74
Per les tardes
> 07/04/09 al 26/04/09 – Al Casal Joan Sardà d'ERC de Sant Boi
Carrer Major,46
Per les tardes
> 29/04/09 al 10/05/09 – Al Centre cívic "El Vapor" organitzada i presentada per ERC de Santa Perpetua
Enric Granados, s/n
Els dilluns obert de: 15:00 a 22:00h
El Dimarts, dimecres i dijous de: 9:30 a 12:30, i de 17:00 a 22:00j
I els divendres o dissabtes: 17:00 a 22:00h
> També us informem que:
Acaba de sortir a la venda el pack DVD+CD de l´acte "Xirinacs al Palau" que es va celebrar al Palau de la Música Catalana el passat 13 d´octubre de 2008.

L´homenatge va ser co-organitzat per la Comissió Centenari de l´estelada.

Es pot adquirir als següents punts de venda:
El Corte Inglés de Portal de l´Àngel i Francesc Macià de Barcelona
Disco 100 a Barcelona
Llibreria Clau de Volta a Barcelona
Media Markt de Sant Cugat del Vallès
Llibreria La Gralla a Granollers
Robafaves de Mataró
Fotografia Lluís Brunet a Sabadell

També es poden comprar exemplars a través de la web: www.actualrecords.cat

Comissió del centenari de la senyera estelada

Llengües en perill i extintes
Cornish language extinct, says UN

The Cornish language has been branded "extinct" by linguistic experts, sparking protests from speakers.

Thirty linguists worked on Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger, compiled by United Nations group Unesco. They also said Manx Gaelic was extinct.

Cornish is believed to have died out as a first language in 1777.

But the Cornish Language Partnership says the number of speakers has risen in the past 20 years and there should be a section for revitalised languages.

The Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger, published by Unesco, the cultural section of the United Nations, features about 2,500 dialects.

There are thought to be about 300 fluent speakers of Cornish.

But Jenefer Lowe, development manager of the Cornish Language Partnership, said there were thousands who had a "smattering" of the language.

"Saying Cornish is extinct implies there are no speakers and the language is dead, which it isn't," she said.

"Unesco's study doesn't take into account languages which have growing numbers of speakers and in the past 20 years the revival of Cornish has really gathered momentum."

Last year the partnership agreed a single written form of Cornish which brought together several different forms of the language.

" It is among a group of languages that turned out not to be extinct but merely sleeping "

Christopher Moseley, editor-in-chief of the atlas

Mrs Lowe said: "There's no category for a language that is revitalised and revived.

"What they need to do is add a category.

"It should be recognised that languages do revive and it's a fluid state."

Christopher Moseley, an Australian linguist and editor-in-chief of the atlas, told BBC News he would consider a new classification.

He said: "I have always been optimistic about Cornish and Manx.

"There is a groundswell of interest in them, although the number of speakers is small.

"Perhaps in the next edition we shall have a 'being revived' category.

"[Cornish] is among a group of languages that turned out not to be extinct but merely sleeping."

Story from BBC NEWS:
http://news. bbc.co.uk/ go/pr/fr/ -/2/hi/uk_ news/england/ cornwall/ 7900972.stm

Published: 2009/02/20 09:27:36 GMT


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