diumenge, d’abril 26, 2009

[catalonia-europa] Turisme alternatiu, projecció internacional.

Bewelcome.org is a new organisation. From what I heard, a significant number of HC volunteers were unhappy with
how Veit was running hospitalityclub, so they decided to form their own club.
Mapes i plànols de tot el món ampliables : http://plasma.nationalgeographic.com/mapmachine/index.html
Mapes i informació sobre Estats: http://go.hrw.com/atlas/span_htm/

Mapa de països visitats:
Per fer trucades internacionals a preu de les estatals:
Cheap flights around the world:
Bicycle forums is also a great site for touring help:

Worldwide Links for Hitchhiking, Backpacking and
Budget Road Travel Info.... www.digihitch.com/links.html
HitchWiki: www.hitchwiki.org/Websites
Hitch International with Ride Board: pacific.hitchhikers.org/index.cgi?lang=en
Traveldirectory.org Links for Hitching:
There are some hitch-hiking clubs in Russia. Their websites are mostly in Russian but you can ask in
English on their forums: gb.bpclub.ru/ and www.bpclub.ru/
Covoiturage (I never did it, but it might
work I guess):

For buses, you can check www.eurolines.com,
generally cheaper.
For cheap(est?) hostel (if you need):
Buses are cheaper than trains in most countries, but it
will take longer to get to your destination. Check out
eurolines.com or busabout.com
you should check:
There you'll can see if it suits your needs. At least
you'll have an overview of what is called "cheap
train" in Europe. It shouldn't be too expensive for
your kid.
Have a look at www.ryanair.com leading low cost
airline in Europe, they are often cheaper than railway
RyanAir.com and/or EasyJet.co.uk.
If you are flexible with your date of departure, you
could try airhitch.com or airtech.com
You may also want to try

It depends where you will start, very cheap are Air
Berlin and Sky Europe. You can also use:
a good source may also be www.skyscanner.net/ as they list all low budget airlines in a good comparison...

And the German Rail offers a ticket to Frankfurt, resp.
FRA - Brussels for €39 each - although only with
start in Germany, but perhaps the austrians offer
somethings similiar?
Find cheap flights in europe:
looking for cheap airline tickets?....go to kayak.com
Vols barats E-dreams: http://www.edreams.es/edreams/espanol/vuelos/vuelos.jhtml?mktportal=google&gclid=CIne2szZ9pMCFQyN1QodWnduVg
thank you thank you! kayak.com is proving to be pretty awesome already

For Europe and some other countries the best option is
It is a metasearcher for cheap flights
its a seach engine that searches lots of cheap ticket
sites (orbitz, airfare.com, cheaptickets.com, etc.)
and lists the best deal it can find....it also
searches the regular airline sites as well.

I was led there by mobissimo.com
not sure this can make the travel cheaper, and I dont
know the side so good yet, but it can be worth to
check out: www.wayn.com/waynsplash.html
with Europe Assitance...u can check on their web
site or u can try with Elvia www.elvia.it or this one
too: www.worldnomads.com/
Cycling, cicloturisme: http://www.viasverdes.com/
All the information one of any nationality needs to
know about Visas on one web page:
Centered on visa info. for enrolled volunteers, but
gives full information on how to contact consulates
country by country, etc. The information is not just
for 'US Citizens' but for any nationality.
Some great travel websites
Wikitravel - online guidebook with local and traveller tips.
Virtual Tourist - great place to find travel partners.
Thorn Tree - useful travel forum from Lonely Planet.
Where Are You Now? - essentially Facebook for travellers.
Expedia - useful flight price comparison site.
Multimap - maps and directions for dozens of countries.
Hospitality Club - like CouchSurfing, but not as pretty.
Hostelling International - cheap rooms if you can't find a host.
World Factbook - find out about your next destination.
Embassies Abroad - find out where your consulates are.
World Clock - find the correct time in various cities.
World Weather - local weather for anywhere on the planet.
XE - popular online currency converter.
BBC News - unbiased global current events. I love the BBC.
Blogger - keep friends and family abreast of your adventures.
The UK & Europe
Visit Britain - the official tourism website for Great Britain.
Enjoy England - the official tourism website for England.
The Traveller's Lounge - lots of useful information in one place.
Travel Doctor - find out what jabs and medications you need.
Cheap Flights - from the UK to most popular destinations.
STA Travel - bargain travel deals for anyone under 26.
Ryanair - a fantastic European budget airline.
EasyJet - another fantastic European budget airline.
DB Bahn - European train timetables and online booking.
National Rail - UK train timetables and online booking.
Carshare - easier than hitchhiking and nearly as fun.
Google Maps - view detailed road maps of Great Britain.
YHA - the Youth Hostels Association of England and Wales.
Insure & Go - cheap and quality travel insurance.
Blacks - great place for lightweight clothes and travel gadgets.

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

1-Aquest �s un grup sobiranista catal� i federalista europeu, d'esquerres, antipatriarcal i antireligi�s. Es una iniciativa espont�nia, espontane�sta i deslligada de cap entitat organitzada. Aquest grup no admet continguts: 1-comercials, 2-que facin apologia de la religi� o que justifiquin postures diferents de l'ateisme, 3-que atemptin contra els principis ideol�gics de l'esquerra europea i catalana.
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4-El terme "Catalunya" s'hi usa seguint el criteri de Josep Guia al seu llibre "Es molt senzill digueu-li Catalunya": http://www.psan.net/llibres/digueu-li/digueu-li.pdf
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